
Lesson 8

Beams: Members Subjected to Bending

🟦  8.1 Types of beams

Simply put, the word beam is used to describe a member that is primarily subjected to bending.

This flipbook illustrates types of beams, and provides new vocabulary and terminology:

You'll need to remember the characteristics of the "big three" types of engineering connections:

Flipbook: Types of Beams

Did you notice the notation in the flipbook? For engineering connections, we typically label reaction forces with the joint designation (A, B, C, etc.) and a directional subscript (x, y, or z), like this:

🟦  8.2 Beams in the wild

Simply-supported beam

In the animation, a simply-supported reinforced concrete beam is loaded in a laboratory.

The two (hydraulic) cylinders on top apply vertical downward forces to the beam at the third-points.

The load is incrementally increased until the beam fails.

Prior to failure, we see the beam develop cracks, as the material becomes overstressed. 

Source: and

❏ Laboratory testing of a simply-supported beam

Here is a FBD of the experimental setup. This is a very common type of lab test. You'll learn more about the material failure if you go on to study Mechanics of Materials. In Statics, we assume that all materials are infinitely strong and won't fail. You'll learn about material failure in a subsequent course.

Cantilever beams

Beams are often (but not always) used in buildings to support floors, which in turn support people, furniture, and more!

This picture shows a series of cantilevered steel beams in a building (under construction). It appears that they will only be supporting environmental loads (snow, rain), but provide shade to the building to decrease HVAC (heating, ventilation, and cooling) loads.

Link to a cantilever beam

Watch this short video of "ironworkers" (it's a misnomer, because they actually work with steel, but prefer to be called ironworkers) installing steel cantilever beams on a building.

Here is the loading diagram that corresponds to the beams depicted in the short video. It is given a uniformly distributed line load to represent its self-weight.

Pin-rollers support a bridge

In this short video, you'll see a real-world depiction of roller connections being used to transfer vertical load from a bridge into its supports (abutments).

Bridges are usually anchored at one end with a pinned connection, while given a translational degree of freedom with the roller. That is - the bridge is free to roll at one of the two sides (abutments). This is important in bridge engineering, because of a phenomenon called thermal expansion and contraction that is studied in Mechanics of Materials.

Roller connections

🟦  8.3 Actions and reactions

Beams carry applied loads. Recall that loads are the actions or the input. 

The loads could be any of these:

In the examples above, the loads on the beam are the forces applied by the hydraulic cylinders, self-weight, snow and rain, and vehicular traffic.

Actions (loads) on a beam

To go from the loading diagram to the free-body diagram, we free the body from the supports. 

In that step, we replace the engineering connections (pins, pin-rollers, and fixed connections) with their effects on the beam (reaction forces or reacting moments).

These are simply called reactions or beam reactions.

I sometimes use a hatch (∤) through the reaction vectors to distinguish them from applied loads.

In the examples above, the beam reactions represent the forces (and moments) transferred through the engineering connections to the context (experimental apparatus, building frame, or bridge abutments).

Reactions on a beam

🟦  8.4 General procedure for calculating beam reactions

Loading diagram

First, sketch the beam's loading diagram. Include the supports (pins, pin-rollers, and fixed connections) and the loading (point loads, line loads, etc.). On this diagram, we show the actual loading (please do not replace it with a statically equivalent system).

Free-body diagram

Your second picture is the FBD. On the FBD, you may replace the actual loading with a statically equivalent system if you like. For instance, if you have have a distributed load (a line load -- units of force per distance, or force intensity), you can replace it with a statically equivalent resultant force (or forces).

Be sure not to draw the support symbols on the FBD. Instead, replace them with their effect on the beam (forces and moments).

On the FBD, please draw the reactions in the direction that you think is correct, based on qualitative equilibrium analysis and/or your own intuition. If the loading isn't complicated, you can often predict the directionality of the reaction forces (and moments). If the loading is complicated, a qualitative equilibrium analysis is not reasonable. In that case, please simply make an assumption as to the direction of the reaction vectors.

It is perfectly OK to assume the incorrect directions for any (or all) of the unknown forces (and moments). The act of making a prediction will help you build intuition and become a better engineer. That said, the math will always correct you if your prediction turns out to be incorrect.

Equations of equilibrium

We use the planar E.o.E. to solve beam reactions. We simply elevate (or project) the side view of the beam; we do not need to draw the cross-section that was so important when we learned about the centroid of an area.

The planar E.o.E. are:

Select an equation that allows you to immediately solve for one of the unknowns. This is usually the moment equilibrium equation. 

Be strategic: sum moments about a point (really, an axis) that is coincident to one or more unknown forces.

Use the remainder of the E.o.E. to solve for the remainder of the unknowns.

Reporting final answers

Take a minute to revisit this example problem for solving for an unknown force (or moment). Then, read below.

When you use the E.o.E., a final answer that is positive confirms that the direction you assumed for the vector is correct. A final answer that is negative contradicts your assumption.

For instance, say that you assumed that Ay was upward, and then calculated a positive value for Ay. The positive assumption is validated by the positive sign; your assumption was correct. In your final answer, use an arrow to emphatically communicate that you understand the true direction of the reaction on the beam, like this:

Ay = +5 kN 5 kN ↑

What do you do if you get a negative answer? Read this carefully. Let's say we assumed Ay was upwards, but got a negative sign in our final answer. The negative sign tells us that Ay points downwards. You would simply write the following:

Ay = -5 kN ↑  5 kN ↓

Please do not use any double negatives, such as Ay = -5 kN . They just cause confusion.

Important. Do NOT erase and correct the incorrect assumption you drew on the original FBD. We cannot fairly evaluate your work when we don't understand your original assumptions. It is OK to leave the FBD with the arrow drawn the long way as long as you are effectively communicating the final answer per above. If you would like to redraw the FBD with the arrows pointing in the correct directions, you may make a NEW drawing at the bottom of your solution, as the very last step.

🟦  8.5 Superposition for beams

Superposition is a fancy word for a simple idea. 

It means that you can take an engineering problem, break it up into sub-problems, solve them independently, and then superimpose (combine) the results of the two sub-analyses.

Superposition can help you solve beam reactions quickly.

Consider this simply-supported beam that is subjected to two applied loads.

The flipbook shows that it can be advantageous to partition the beam into two subsystems, solve them separately, and then superimpose the results back together.

Flipbook: How to use superposition

🟦  8.6 Example: a simply-supported beam

In this flipbook, you'll solve reactions for a simply-supported beam.

In the solution, you'll see how you can manipulate the vectors by using principles of equivalent systems.

Additionally, this solution highlights the benefits of using qualitative equilibrium analysis.

Flipbook: A simply-supported beam

🟦  8.7 Example: a simply-supported beam with an overhang

Beam AB is simply-supported with an overhang. It supports an applied moment at A, an applied force at an angle, and a line load.

This solution highlights the use of superposition as a problem-solving shortcut.

Flipbook: a simply-supported beam with an overhang

🟦  8.8 Example: a cantilevered beam

Cantilever beam ABC supports a trapezoidal (or linear) line load and an angled force.

Even though the beam is "bent," it is still a beam. Our approach doesn't change just because there is a bend in the beam.

This solution includes a procedure for breaking the trapezoidal load into two point loads. 

The solution also explores various options provided by the Principle of Transmissibility related to the angled load.

❏ Flipbook: a cantilever beam

➜ Practice Problems